Attributes can be displayed in a third window pane in addition to the directory tree and the object list. Not only the attribute's name and value, but also other properties are shown. If you open a single object, you can access all of it's attributes in a separate, non-modal window:
In every attribute list, you can specify the display of multi valued LDAP attributes as folded or expanded information. Binary attributes can also be displayed as the according text content. And you can easily configure the list to show all attributes and not only the currently used ones.
LEX can show attributes also as additional columns directly in the object list. If an directory attribute contains an LDAP path to another object, then the LDAP browser can jump directly to this object. Additionally, a favorite menu eases the object retrieval:
LEX has specific editors for all kinds of LDAP attribute syntaxes:
strings, numeric values, booleans, distinguished names, date/time attributes, binary/hex values, bitmaps, password values, MS security descriptors, MS SIDs, MS large integers, Novell object ACLs, Novell path values, Novell backlinks, Novell typed names and a lot more editors for special attribute like bit flag attributes (userAccountControl, dsHeuristics, searchFlags, sAMAcountType...):
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