In the default configuration, LEX shows all objects in the object
list panel which are returned from the server. However, you can configure a filter which
is applied to the request. So if you want for example that only group objects are shown in
the list, you could display then groups in an entire subtree (a combination of setting the
correct filter and configuring the appropriate object
list scope).
To activate and configure a filter for the object list, you can use the Set
object list filter button drop down menu. If you have save LDAP filter to disk before (see explanations for this below in this topic), you can see a list of this saved filter structure (sub dirs are shown as sub menus):
Most probably
you will see a list of filters because LEX comes with a set of pre-defined LDAP filters.
If you want to use an empty filter to see all objects, just choose the option Empty Fiter, the LDAP filter string '(objectClass=*)' is used then.
You can even open the object filter configuration dialog by choosing
Show filter options dialog from the drop down or with the menu option Tools - Options - Object Filter. In this case, the Object
Filter dialog is shown:
Here you can configure the filter directly or you can use a filter from the Filter
Factory. There are easy ways to save and load filters. LEX stores the appropriate filter
files in the Profile and Filter Storage Path in
the subdirectory LDAPFilter as text files.