LEX /s:<Server> /b:<Base DN>
/u:<Username> [/p:<Password>] | /c | /a
[/ssl] [/auth:<AuthType>] [/page:<PageSize>] [/udp] [/lah] [/cei]
[/ia:<AttributeList | /xa:<AttributeList>] [/col:<AttributeList]
[/ro] [/force]
LEX /prof:<LDAPProfile> /ro /force
/s The name/adress of an LDAP server to contact. An LDAP port can be
configured with 'server:port'.
/base The distinguished name for the LDAP base to connect. For example:
/user The user credential which is used to bind to the LDAP server.
Depending on the LDAP environment, the following name notations
could be correct:
/pass The user password which is used to bind to the LDAP server.
/a Authenticate as Anonymous.
/c Authenticate with your current credentials.
/ssl The LDAP connection is established with SSL. Probably you have to
set another connection port in the /s parameter (i.E. the default
SSL port 639). Most servers cannot prozess /c and /ssl together.
/auth The authentication method which is used for the LDAP connection.
The following methods are supported:
anonymous Bind without credentials
basic Simple Bind / Celeartext (better use SSL)
digest Digest MD5 auth
dpa Distributed PAssword Authentication
external API-based external authentication, requires
additional auth drivers, for example in a token
card solution
kerberos GSSAPI Kerberos auth for non AD environments
msn Proprietary MSN based authentication
negotiate GSS-SPNEGO auth for AD environments. The auth
process will negotiate Kerberos (for modern
servers) or NTLM
ntlm NT LanManager auth
sicily Proprietary Microsoft auth, similar to NTLM
If this parameter is ommited, LEX tries to do <negotiate> auth
first. If this fails, <basic> auth is performed.
This parameter cannot be used together with /a
/page The page size value for paged results LDAP searches. If this
parameter is ommited, LEX tries to evaluate the max page size value
in AD environments, otherwise no paged result searches are done.
/udp The LDAP connection is done over UDP instead of TCP.
/lah LEX uses linked attribute handling.
/cei LEX ignores certificate errors (in SSL connections).
/ia LEX shows only the given attributes in the attribute list. For
/xa LEX shows all attributes except the given ones in the attribute
list. For example:
/col LEX shows the given attributes as object list columns. For
/prof LEX starts with the given LDAP profile. If the profile name contains
blanks, use /prof:"name" or /prof:'name'
/ro LEX starts in read-only mode. You can enforce this mode by using it
together with /force.
/force The settings given for the LDAP connection. The user cannot open
another LDAP connection or cannot