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Tools - TreeMap Factory

Menu options: Observation Factory

This option opens a new window with the LEX TreeMap Factory. You can visualize your LDAP directory tree in a so called cushion treemap. Treemaps are compact, space-filling displays of hierarchical
information, based on recursive subdivision of a rectangular image space. Intuitive shading is used to provide insight in the hierarchical structure. The LEX TreeMap Factory shows you instantly the quantity of objects in the different areas of the directory tree - and colors are used to indicate the objectclass which is mainly stored in different container structures:


Menu options: Observation Factory

In the shown example, user objects are shown in green, group objects are shown in red and workstation objects are shown in blue. Other default colors for more exotic object classes are avaiable. You could have an easy overview on a huge Microsoft Exchange organisation (in the configuration partition of an Active directory):


Menu options: Observation Factory

Click on a cushion in the treemap to see what LDAP object it is:


Menu options: Observation Factory


You can also click on an object in the left hierarchy panel to see where the cushion in the treemap is.


Note: For building the Treemap, LEX has to read a lot of directory data from the LDAP server. Dependent on the LDAP structure and count of objects, it can last quite a long time to build up the complete treemap. This is true especially when you use the mode in which each single obejct is shown in the treemap - (default setting: only containers are shown in the treemap - Show Objects in all subcontainers button).

Context Menus

If you click on an entry on the left side in the tree hierarchy panel, you see a context menu with the follogin options:

Menu options: Observation Factory

Set as new root - CTRL-R
This builds up the treemap again, based on the marked object as new treemap root container.

Show in new treemap - CTRL-T
This opens a new treemap window, based on the marked object as new treemap root container.

Show in LEX - CTRL-L
This jumps to the marked object in the LEX instance where the current treemap window was derived fom.

Set objectclass color - CTRL-Q
This opens the treemap configuration dialog for the treemap colors based on the objectclasses. You can instantly set the color of the class for the currently marked object.

Expand all subnodes
This let all the tree nodes in the left hierarchy panel expand.

Collapse all subnodes
This let all the tree nodes in the left hierarchy panel collapse.

If you click on an entry on the right side in the treemap panel, you see a context menu with the follogin options:

Menu options: Observation Factory

Set as new root - CTRL-R
This builds up the treemap again, based on the marked object as new treemap root container.

Show in new treemap - CTRL-T
This opens a new treemap window, based on the marked object as new treemap root container.

Show in LEX - CTRL-L
This jumps to the marked object in the LEX instance where the current treemap window was derived fom.

Set objectclass color - CTRL-Q
This opens the treemap color configuration dialog for the treemap colors based on the object classes. You can instantly set the color of the class for the currently marked object.

Command Buttons

The following buttons are available in the Observation Factory window:

Reload button Rebuilt Treemap button
This allows you to trigger an explicite reload of directory data for the treemap display. You can use also the F5 button for this.

Play button Go up one level button
This builds up the treemap based on the parent container of the current root container.

Pause button Include leaf objects in treemap button
If active, the TreeMap Factory shows every single object instead of just the containers. Please note that this could cause a quite long delay when the treemap is built by LEX - virtually EVERY object in the current directory scope has to be read to evaluate it's object class.


Config button Configure treemap colors button
This opens the treemap color configuration window.

Reset button Show squarified treemap button
There are different presentations of the treemap display. Normally, the containers and objects are shown as treemaps just in the alphabetical order, and each map item uses the full width of the current treemap row. If this option is activated, LEX rearranges each part of the treemap to show each container or object as a little square - and the parts of the directory are ordered in their size (in terms of object count). This configuration makes the treemap more "readable" in some situations.

Add attribute button Paint treemap in grayscale button
Normally each objectclass is represented by another color in the treemap. If this option is activated, the treemap is shown in grayscale.

Add attribute button Flip treemap Button
This allows you to add an additional attribute to the list of monitored attributes. You can also remove some attribute from this list, just mark them and press the DELETE key.

Treemap Color Configuration

The TreeMap Factory can display the objects in different colors according to their object classes. There is a default set of object class colors, but you can change this color set or add new new colors for other objectclasses.

Menu options: Observation Factory

You can easily transfer one color to another objectclass by using CTRL-C and CTRL-V! Or you can just use CTRL-Q directly in the treemap to set any color for the obejct class of the currently selected object.