This option is only available if you have selected just one attribute in the attribute list and if this attributes stores a distinguished name (DN) of another object in the same directory. In this case, you can jump directly to this object so that the LEX tree view is expanded to the container where the object is, the object is selected in the list and you can see its attributes.
LEX would change the hierarchy focus to the parent container of the regarding object, the object itself would be selected in the list:
Another, faster way to jump to the object of the currently selected attribute: Open the context menu directly in the attribute list (right mouse-click) and use the option Filter Display for this Attribute.
Some directories store distinguished name information in attributes or attributes syntaxes which are not clearly noticeable as Distinguished Name attributes. In such cases, LEX can extract the distinguished name of the attribute and manage to jump to the regarding object! Some examples:
So when you are in a Novell eDirectory environment, it's easy to extract Object Trustee entries or Zenworks Application assignments as jump targets: