In this dialog, you can configure whether LEX shows special warnings and hint dialogs.
In the default configuration, all the options are active.
If you deactivate this option, LEX does not display a warn message in object delete operations any more. If you press the DELETE key or use the menu option Edit - Delete Object, the regarding object is deleted immediately without further interaction. Normally you would be asked if you are sure to do that:
ATTENTION: LEX cannot undo a delete operation in the directory. The reason is that in every directory system,
there are unique attributes which cannot be written by an LDAP client, even when he's authenticated as a very high privileged user.
If you deactivate this option, LEX does not display a warn message in object delete operations any more - even if the regarding object has child objects stored in the hierarchy below it. If you press the DELETE key or use the menu option Edit - Delete Object, the object and it's child objects are deleted immediately without further interaction. Normally you would be asked if you are sure to do that:
ATTENTION: LEX cannot undo a delete operation in the directory. The reason is that in every directory system,
there are unique attributes which cannot be written by an LDAP client, even when he's authenticated as a very high privileged user. In this case, there could be a unknown number of child object in a subtree stored under the object which you are deleting. Maybe you don't even realize that because this subtree is not displayed in the treeview panel for some reasons.
If you deactivate this option, LEX does not display a warn message in attribute delete operations any more. If you press the DELETE key or use the menu option Edit - Remove Attribute, the regarding attribute value is deleted immediately without further interaction. Normally you would be asked if you are sure to do that:
ATTENTION: LEX cannot undo a delete operation in the directory. The reason is that in every directory system,
there are unique attributes which cannot be written by an LDAP client, even when he's authenticated as a very high privileged user.
If you deactivate this option, LEX does not display a warn message when you use the menu option Edit - Set Empty Value. The regarding attribute value is overwritten by a NULL value immediately without further interaction. Normally you would be asked if you are sure to do that:
ATTENTION: LEX cannot undo a delete operation in the directory. The reason is that in every directory system,
there are unique attributes which cannot be written by an LDAP client, even when he's authenticated as a very high privileged user.
If you deactivate this option, LEX does not show you a warning message any more if you are in the binary HEX editor and want to switch to ASCII text mode:
This warning is shown because maybe not all the hexadecimal values can be converted to printable ASCII characters. That is the case for all values below 0x20.
LEX converts such values to '.' characters if you switch to the ASCII text edit mode. So there is some loss of information. If you want to switch back later on to return from the ASCII text edit mode back to the hex edit mode, the values of the non-printable characters will be lost - in this case the '.' will just converted to the according ASCII value 0x2e.
If you start LEX and the ReadOnly mode is active, you can't perform any write access to the connected directory systems. Therefore a message appears at program start to draw your attention to this limitation:
If you deactivate this option, the message will not appear any more.
This option lets you decide if you want to see an indicator regarding the operation mode in the status bar.
The status bar can show you if LEX is operatig in ReadOnly Mode. In this case, you see the operation mode indicator in the right corner:
The bitmap above shows the indicator for ReadOnly Mode: All the LEX functions which can be used to change the data in the directory are blocked. This is for security reasons to prevent unintentional changes to the directory.
The bitmap above shows the indicator for normal operation
mode where write access is possible (if the current user credentials have the appropiate permissions). To emphasize the fact that directory data can be changed now and that LEX normally cannot undo this changes, the status indicator is blinking in this case.
If you deactivate this option, the indicator will not appear any more.
If you activate a filter for the object list, the attribute list or the attribute window, then probably not all the information which is stored in the directory is visible. To remind you of this fact, the regarding filter button is blinking red
, here an example for the attribute list in the LEX main window:
Some directories don't allow moving or renaming objects which have child objects. This is also called 'Subtree Move/Rename'.
But LEX can handle this if you want: The container structure of the subtree which is to be moved is copied to the destination. After the same container structure exists at the destination, all the leaf objects which are stored in the source containers are moved - this move is real and preserves all the attributes.
This LEX technique is called 'Subtree Cloning'.
Please note that this will be NEW objects! If you source container object have important attribute properties, they are lost, because the copy operation of the container structure just takes the object names of the containers and doesn't transfer any attribute!
So if you are connected to an LDAP server which does not allow subtree move/rename, and you want to perform such an operation, you have to decide whether LEX should do the subtree cloning for you. Normally this message appears now:
So if you deactivate the Ask for subtree cloning if the directory doesnt support container renaming or moving option (or just click on the Don't show this dialog again), LEX does the subtree cloning without asking any more!