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Editor for Flag Attributes

This editor is used to show, edit or attributes which represents a flag value. The flags can be expressed either as a numeric value (mostly such attributes are actually bit fields...) or as a string containing several flag characters. An example is the Editor for the userAccountControl attribute in Active Directory environments:

Editor for Bit Flag Attributes: userAccountControl

In the top area of this dialog, you see the distinguished name and type icon for the object whose attribute your are editing. In the line beneath, the attribute name is shown. All the flag values which are activated are marked in red color.

There are some other bitflag editors: The Bitflag value editors are used whenever LEX has valid schema information and detects the following official attribute names:

Here is the one for the dsHeuristics attribute in Active Directory environments:

Editor for Bit Flag Attributes: dsHeuristics

Here is the editor for the groupType attribute in Active Directory environments:

Editor for Bit Flag Attributes: groupType

Here is the editor for the sAMAccountType attribute in Active Directory environments:

Editor for Bit Flag Attributes: sAMAccountType

Here is the editor for the searchFlags attribute in Active Directory environments:

Editor for Bit Flag Attributes: searchFlags

Here is the editor for the systemFlags attribute in Active Directory environments:

Editor for Bit Flag Attributes: systemFlags

Setting/Removing single bits in multiedit mode

If you open a bitflag attribute in the multi object editing mode and you change to the bitwise editor, then you can choose if you want to write the actual value, or if just the activated bits are to be set or to be removed from the regarding attribute of all the objects:

Setting and removing single bits

If you chose to just set/remove single bits, then this is indicated in the multiple object editor attribute list:

Setting and removing single bits

Editing the raw data

If you opened a flag attribute which is a numeric bitfield value, you can also display and edit the data in it's basic form if you want: Just press on the Raw label in the bottom left corner of the dialog. The editor is switched to an integer editor then:

Editing the raw bitflag data