The Address Bar is a visual element of the LEX browser. It shows you the LDAP distinguished name
of the object which is currently selected in the directory treeview panel or in the object list.
You can enter a distinguished
name manually and jump to the regarding object in the directory hierarchy. Just enter the distinguished or
enter the first characters of a name which was formerly selected (a pull down menu with suggestions appears).
After pressing
the Go to button ,
LEX jumps to the regarding object. Please note that this works only for objects which are part of the
currently shown directory tree. For example, you cannot enter object distinguished names from other directory name spaces
and jump to it.
On the left side of the address bar, there are a Back and
a Forward
button. With these
buttons, you can scroll though the last 16 objects which was selected during the current LDAP
If you want to hide the address bar to have a more basic GUI view of the LEX, you can hide it with
the menu option View -
Tool Bars - Address Bar.